I was amazed as I sat this morning listening to our pastor communicate so clearly and so appropiately the ultimate truths in regards to the election. Everything from not needing to be anxious about our future in this country -no matter who the Lord allows to come into office. It was such a freeing and yet challenging message. I challenge you to take 30 minutes one night this week preferably before you vote- if you haven't already and listen to this quite riveting piece of truth! It should be uploaded by tommorow.
http://cedarcrestchurch.com/listenOne of the key realities he shared with us that since Roe vs. Wade in 1973, over 40 MILLION babies have been aborted. He then continued with sharing that is 3682 babies A DAY being aborted. It is just amazing. The most important thing to God is human life. I feel like before I had Addison "abortion" affected me somewhat- but hearing these alarming and disturbing numbers just bring it to a whole new reality. It is different. It makes me nauseous to say the least. It makes me irate to a new degree. Humanity has never been more powerful- well at least to them it seems...
The possible future of our country...
The first thing I'd do as president is sign the Freedom of Choice Act. That's the first thing that I'd do." -- Senator Barack Obama, speaking to the ...www.nrlc.org/foca/index.html - 8k -